2024  /  Nest. Building a Home
Photography: Veronica Olariu
Making as being: Letizia Aufort, Linh Trịnh, Veronica Olariu
Performers: Letizia Aufort, YuJin Kim
Art Direction: Veronica Olariu
We built a nest. It is a real nest; just that it is oversized. Which makes us oversized birds…or at least something much closer to birds than we were before. Building a nest, building it like non-humans, and definitely like non-architects and non-designers. The birds’ knowledge channeled through our open hands and open minds and open bodies while simply making. 
Making as being. Making as an open door towards more-than-human knowledge and wisdom. Being as making with our thinking hands and with our intuitive bodies.
Real-time trial and error with what we found on-site and around the site replaced any sketch, drawing, plan or resource management strategy, trademarks of the architecture and design practices. ​​​​​​​
The final result simply emerged from our dancing interaction with the mater. Deconstructing my architect brain through constructing a bird nest: no plan, no sketch, no esthetic intention, no stocked materials, no assistance from an experienced winged or non-winged nest-builder. 
Just our hearts extended into our arms and hands.
There is so much knowledge to be revealed in the non-abstract field of direct making.
We built our nest during Being Nature Art Continuum Nomadic Residency, January 2024, in Chiang Dao, Thailand. 

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